
Friday, October 5, 2012

"I'm all about that"

I went to college with an adorable girl that used to say the phrase, "I'm all about that".  I'm not sure if this was a general trend, or just what was going on in the bubble of the little Christian school I was attending, but it caught on.   The color yellow?  "I'm all about that".  Hawaiian pizza?  Rachmaninoff?  Swishing through fall leaves? Definitely "all about that".

And I really don't intend to demean what was just fun banter.  I think God gave us some wonderful pleasures to enjoy in this life and that if we walk around with a sober look all of the time, it will not draw other to Christ whereas infectious joy in God's creation, WILL.  But I was thinking about this phrase lately in regards to the choices that we make and the way we live our lives. 

And since today is the day I like to post about Homeschooling and Mothering in general this post can certainly bend towards that direction, but this is a choice every person needs to make at some point in his or her lives.

I've said it before in several different ways and I don't know how to more powerfully convey the meaning. 

"Nothing else in this life matters.  NOTHING.  Only Jesus Christ and that we have a heart for the Lord."

"He is EVERYTHING and everything is about Him."

From a popular preacher, "If you've missed heaven, you've missed it all."

But really, I think this one may be the best: 

"Jesus Christ?  I'm ALL about that!"

So if you go around freely sharing how much Jesus means to you, what does that make you? 

I had a sudden realization a few years ago that I had become "one of those people".  Radical.  Extreme.  People might wonder if I was brainwashed.  Serving Christ had become my WHOLE life.  Sports, politics, making money, saving money, health and nutrition, and any number of other things that people can be passionate about.  Meh.  It's all just ok.  I can even view those things from a spiritual perspective. But really, what am I ALL about?

Galatians 6:14 - But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 - "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all." 
For a little self-evaluation:
If you were to ask your children, what would they say you were all about? 
How do you spend the majority of your time?
Where do you spend most of your money?

Are we REALLY all about Jesus?  Or have we deceived ourselves.
Let us press on!

Philippians 3:12-14 - "Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.  Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

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  1. Excellent thoughts! I have been re-evaluating how I spend some of my free time. Not that I'm doing anything wrong but I think I am spending too much time focusing on things that in the grand scheme do not matter! It is all about GOD and I need to focus on that more instead of reading or any other thing that I am doing.

    Thanks for this reminder!

  2. One thing that has been on my mind is not compartmentalizing my life. God meant us to live a peaceable, full life in my opinion all of it in service to him. That means, that sports, politics, making and saving money, health and fitness, family, friends, hobbies all need to be partaken of in a way that shows how we glorify God in all we do. I teach JT good sportmanship and team atmosphere in football and basketball because that is going to bring glory to God through his behavior, as we know that even a child is known by his actions. A couple of years ago, I radically changed the way we ate, I did it so that we were taking care of the bodies that the Lord gave us in the best possible way so as to serve and glorify him all the better. Now when one of these items in life becomes an idol and that's "all your about" :)then we have serious problems. But we should be seeking to glorify our God and his Son in all that we say, do and participate in. Please don't think I am disagreeing in any way with your post, it just made me think and put in a slightly different slant to your original thought!

  3. Hi heather, I'm not sure you remember me, we went to FC together, Melaine McBride then but Legg now, it's funny I've read multiple post of your and comments on others pages but only just put it together that it was you. I really appreciate you blog and great thoughts!!!
