Monday, February 20, 2012

Garlic: It's good for you!


It's cold season... time to break out the GARLIC!

Garlic is an AMAZING plant! It is one of the best antibacterial plants out there! Garlic not only builds your immune system, but your body doesn't become immune to its antibiotic qualities, so you can take as much of it as you want! It's also effective against viruses, while antibiotics are not. Next time, try garlic at the first sign of a cold or infection! It just might save you a doctor's visit!

Other qualities of garlic: antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, antiparasitic, antifungal, immune stimulating, antispasmodic (think coughs), expectorant, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, lowers fevers, improves circulation

I'm not going to cover the ins and outs of how to take garlic medicinally, but I thought I'd encourage you to get the most out of cooking with garlic.
  • Cook with fresh cloves!
    Garlic powder and jarred minced garlic is convenient, but the more processed it is, the less your body will benefit from it.
  • The entire garlic family carry the benefits of garlic to a some degree, so try increasing the amount of garlic, onions, and leeks in your cooking. I throw garlic into almost everything now and I usually triple the amount a recipe calls for. If the power and pungency of garlic is a bit much for you to take, just start slowly. You'll be feeling like an Italian in no time!
  • I highly recommend chopping it up by hand into a small mince. Your skin will absorb the oils and benefit from it. I don't recommend using a garlic press. It is less convenient than you would think. Have you ever tried cleaning one out!? You lose many of the good qualities of garlic with the press. Invest in a heavy, sharp knife instead.

This is a great knife! It's the one in the photo above.

A yummy way to get some raw garlic in you: Hummus!
- 2 c. canned chickpeas, drained
- 1 1/2 tsp. salt
- 4 minced garlic cloves
- 1/3 c. tahini (sesame paste)
- 6 tbs. lemon juice (or juice from 2 lemons)
- 8 dashes tabasco sauce

Zip through the food processor until nicely pureed. Good chilled or at room temp. The longer it sits in the fridge, the stronger the garlic smell/taste becomes! It will last up to a week refrigerated.

What is your favorite way to eat garlic?

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