Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How I Came To Be a Church Mouse

Hmmm.... how far back should the story go? Growing up, my Dad preached part time, so I always considered myself to be a "PK". We did not grow up as a "Preacher Family" though, and I have learned how very different that part is. I did not marry a preacher. I married a man who was going to school to be some other profession. He enjoyed preaching part time, and always wanted to be deeply involved with whatever church we were a part of, but nearly every male member of his family is or was a preacher, so the idea was a bit intimidating to him because he knew just what the life was like and what level of commitment it would be. I believe the words, "I will never be a full-time preacher" were uttered on more than one occasion.

Fast-forward a bit... local economy is crummy and there are no jobs for his profession. Other options were considered and doors were politely, but firmly shut on all other opportunities we explored. Then... we found out that we were expecting Big Littles. Life is full of surprises, isn't it?

Putting a baby in the care of someone else was never an option for us. Never say never? Well, NEVER! Not for us. We were faced with a choice: One, my husband would go to school full time, work full time to support us, and we would barely scrape by and would never see him. Two, he could preach! He'd been considering it... he had been doing it (part time) and was coming to enjoy it more and more, and if we were being perfectly honest with ourselves, it was God's will. All those doors slammed shut for a reason. All of those wide open doors into the world of preaching were for a reason. We only see through the mirror darkly and cannot fully comprehend God's providence and plan, but this was one of those moments where it became all too clear that God was doing everything possible to point us down this path.

So we embraced it!

There are different kinds of preacher families, different styles of preachers, and different needs for different churches. Some work as though in an office job with "office hours". Some are out all day, every day pounding the streets. Some work in foreign fields.

We are this: My husband has been hired to work with a local church with certain understandings and expectations. As his wife and help-meet, it is my job to help him in whatever way I can and whatever way he has need. We are a preacher family. We all work together and this work is so closely entwined with our every day life, that it is nearly impossible to separate the tangled web. We work together, learn together, play together, and minister to the needs of others together. It is a unique lifestyle that we have chosen.

While this is not the path I envisioned for my life, I am grateful to be able to serve in this way, and I love our life.

May God grant you blessings as you live your life for Him... in whatever circumstances... in whatever your task.

Colossians 3:23 - And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men (KJV)

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