Thursday, October 13, 2011

Are We Too Busy?


The sunlight and shadows in the woods were beautiful that morning, the sunlight a little pale and the air with that quality of hushed expectancy that the coming of autumn brings. Birds were calling to one another and telling of the wonderful Southland and the journey they must take before long. The whole, wide outdoors called me and tired muscles and nerves rasped from the summer's rush pleaded for rest, but there was pickle to make, drying apples to attend to, vegetables and fruits that must be gathered and stored, the Saturday baking and the thousand things of the everyday routine to be done.
Are we too busy? Read the rest here.

This lovely piece of prose was written by the same woman who wrote these:

Little House

(Found these hardcover volumes at a yard sale for $.50 each. What treasures!)

My Dad read the Little House books to me when I was a child and when I learned to read myself, I read them over and over again. Now I am blessed to be able to share them with my own Littles and am gaining even more of an appreciation for them. Her writings speak comfort to my soul. I don't know what it is about farm folk, but I feel very at home with such people, and Mrs. Wilder certainly has a way of making readers feel like friends. Did you know that Mrs. Wilder was a popular columnist with the farm paper, The Missouri Ruralist before she wrote her famous Little House series?

You can find all of her articles for the Missouri Ruralist here.

I love the way she ended this article, "Thanksgiving will soon be here and it is time to be getting our blessings in order. But why wait for Thanksgiving? Why not just be thankful now?"

Thank you Mrs. Wilder. I am indeed thankful! We are so richly blessed!


  1. :) yes. we are too busy most of the time with things that don't matter, Lord help us be busy with the things that really do.

    reminds me of my recent post about living intentionally. of course, there are a lot of mundane yet important things to do, a lot depends on our perspective, doesn't it?


    amy in peru


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