Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How's that routine going?

So it has been a while since I blogged about Large Family Logistics.  I thought I'd revisit the subject since I am settling into a slightly different daily and weekly routine.

I don't blog about things that I haven't tried and done successfully.  You know those cute, fun ideas you see on Pinterest that just flop?  Or perhaps you are wise enough to discern that sometimes a cute, fun idea is not at all practical for you.  Well, I don't blog about that stuff.  If I post something here, it is because it works for me and it works well.  I try to keep quality standards high.  Now just because it works for me doesn't mean it will work just as well for you - people are different after all.  But I can tell you that Large Family Logistics works for me, it works really well, and it has been working really well for me for more than 9 months with two different houses and different routines.  *nods*

I posted my original daily routines here.  Things have changed a bit as I am doing more structured work with my pre-school child, and we've worked Bible Time into our morning.  See, when I first started, I was doing well just to get meal time and nap/bedtime routines down.  Adding more structured time was just too overwhelming, but now that I've been doing it for a few months, I can add in structured blocks much more easily.

I think it is worth noting that this structured time I have added in is VERY short!  Bible Time in the morning and School Time in the afternoon are 15 minutes long, TOPS!  There is still plenty of unstructured play time for my Littles, and that is the way I like it!

So here is my new routine... Plan A if you will.

Daily Routines

Morning Routine -
1) Morning Prayer and Coffee Time
2) Fix Breakfast - water pitcher for the table
3) Eat with a Psalm
4) Vitamins
5) Wash face/brush teeth
6) Clean the table - check lunch/dinner plans
7) Everyone gets dressed
8) Make beds

Bible Time      (Monday - CQ, Tuesday/Thursday - CQ Bible story, Wednesday/Friday - review Sunday lesson)

Obedience Drills

Play Time/Chore Time - hang up a load of laundry + chores for the day

Lunch Routine - cook, eat, clean up

Book Time - Big Littles reads to me, I read to aloud to everyone

Toy Pick Up

Quiet Time - Consider, do my boys feel cherished today?

School Time - handwriting, math games  

Play Time

Dinner Time - cook, eat, clean up

Children’s Hour - play, wrestle, music, walk, baths

Bedtime Routine -
1) Toy pick up
2) Brush teeth, potty, put on pajamas
3) Read Books
4) Prayers, Bed for the boys

*** Double check tomorrow’s lunch/dinner plans, soak laundry if needed

I plan to post on my weekly routine and changes to my Homekeeping Notebook next Wednesday.

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  1. Love it! We have a family of six coming to visit next week. *After that* we will begin our summer schedule. I have high hopes for resuming it!!!

  2. Thank you for sharing! I'm just now reading LFL for the first time, so this is inspirational!

  3. I think I have an idea what "obedience drills" are, but would benefit from hearing more. So admire the goal of a few minutes of practice everyday. We did better doing that sort of thing with our first littles (but never as regular as you are trying). However as more children came along the intentional purposed practice gave way to an as-needed basis. And when immediate obedience is needed, it's often too late to expect prompt unquestioning action... :(
    Good for you! And keep it up!

    1. Well, we need to do better here, so there is the goal and aspiration. The actual doing needs more work. Basically it is just a light-hearted game of "Mama says" to practice happy obedience. We've started a sticker chart for each child where they get a sticker when I give them an instruction and they answer with a "Yes mama" and obey quickly with a happy heart. Not many stickers on that chart yet and it's been a week! So we NEED the practice around here! As I said, I blog when something is working, so maybe if I can get things working, I'll write a post on it. :)


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